
Wednesday 4 March 2020

Lockdown magazine: Sports and an advert by Aitor Lahuerta, Marc Camí, Pau Berent & Oriol Armengol


Aitor: Hello guys welcome to the ourCapitanSupremeChannel today we're going to show you what we're going to see on our special sports session are three of the best hosts in the world explaining  three different sport. Fist of all we're going to see the football.

Marc: Hello Aitor is a pleasure. This weekend we had a very interesting match: Intercomarcal B vs Balafia divisoin of cadet. It was very emocionant, Intercomarcal have scored the 4-3 and 5-3 when they least two minuts. It was very interesting because any of them they have it easy for the win.
Aitor: Yes it was very emocionant. Now we have the hoquei.

Pau:Hello guys how are you today?
I’m very excited because the next weekend the CHJuneda infantl A are going to play the most important match of the season . It’s against Girona H.C. Juneda are the first on her table because they had lost only a match and Girona they are the least.

Aitor: I think it will be easy, but on the last match Juneda learned that they can lose when they think it’s easy. And now we are going to see the basketball

Oriol: Oh, Hello. How are thinks?
Aitor: Nice Oriol: Oh perfect. Now where passing to the NBA All-stars match, between Antetekumpo’s team and Lebron’s team. It was very interesting and they did lots of impresionant thingsand finally LeBron’s team won.
Aitor: So that’s it for today. Now we leave us witha little advertisment and then will start the FutChampions summary from Tito Kolde.


Today… We have a new film… After Dumbo and Dumbo two we present… Dumbo 3.

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