
Saturday 28 March 2020

Lockdown magazine: TV Show by Clara Perera, Abel Gonzalez, Pep Gaya and Júlia Ciurana

 CLARA: Hello! Good afternoon! We are in a TV show, they are Júlia, Pep, and Abel, the contestants of this ninght. They are going to answer some questions of differents points, from the easiest questions to the most difficults. The winner will be the person ho has more ponts. Let's start!

Pep it's your tourn, wich is the most bigger continent in the world?
PEP: The biggest continent of the world is Asia.

CLARA: It's correct, 10 points for you.Júlia, your tourn, where is Malta?

JÚLIA: In the Mediterrani sea

CLARA: Perfect, it's true! 10 points also for you!The next questions is for Abel. Wich is the capital of Iatlia?

ABEL: Rome, the capital is Rome!

CLARA: Very good Abel, it's true, 10 points for you!Let's continue with the quizz. Now the question puntuation will be of 20 points.Pep, your tourn again. Wich is the tipical temperature in Malta?

PEP: Let me see, it's cold!

CLARA: No, this is incorrect the weather in Malta is like in Canàrias, sorry, you can't take the 20 points.

PEP: Oh okey it's true.

CLARA: Júlia, this question will be for you, in what lenguages do the maltese speak?

JÚLIA: They speak english and italian.

CLARA: Oh no, sorry, this is not true, they speak english and maltese. Sorry you don't have the 20 points. You will have 10 points because the half of your answer is correct. One of the lenguage is English

JÚLIA: ok, for the next question

CLARA: Perfect, Abel your tourn.
When did the maltese been there the english people?

ABEL: Let mee see, I think that maltese was a british colony, on the age of the romans on 1502
CLARA: Oh perfect Abel! It's correct you have the 20 points of this turn! Congratulations!
Abel: Thank you Clara!
Clara: Perfect so let's see the puntuations! On the third position we have, Pep, with 10. On the second position we have whith 20 points, Júlia. And the first position we have Abel! With 30 poitns! Congratulations to all of you! good show!

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