
Tuesday 31 January 2017

At the restaurant- by Tània Camí and Ariadna Feliu

Ari: Hi. A table for one please.
Tània: Certainly.
Ari: Erm.. Do you think I could seat near the fire?
Tània: I’m sorry, those tables are reserved, but you can sit here.
Ari: Ok. Thank you.
Ari: Can you bring me the menus, please?
Tània: Oh yes, wait one minut please.
Ari: Ok, thanks.

------------- 1 minut later -----------

Tània: Here are your menus. Would you like a drink before you order?
Ariadna: Yes, erm.. A Lemon juice please.  
Tània: Okey. Meanwhile, you think what do you want.

------------ 5 minut later -------

Tània: Are you ready to order? 
Ari: Yes, I think so… I want a salad without salt.
Tània: Okey, would you like bread?
Ari: Yes.
Tània: Anything else?
Ari: No, I think it’s OK.

----------- 15 minuts later -------

Tània: Here you are, the salad for you.
Ari: Erm.. Here there is a hair. This is a shame.
Tània: Oh no! I’m so sorry. Bring me this plate and I will bring another salad. 
Ari: Here you are.

------------ 3 minuts later --------

Tània: Here you are, a new plate of salad.  We’re so sorry for the hair, it’s the first time that it happens.
Ari: Ok. I think now it’s ok.

------------20 minuts later------------
Ari: Excusme. Can I have the bill please?
Tània: Okey, now I bring you the bill

Tània: Here you are.
Ari: Ok. Thank you very much for the meal. I am very satisfied,and don’t give importance to the hair.
Tània:Oh, I’m very agraited to you,
Ari: bye bye, see you soon, I will come another time in this restaurant.
Tània: Bye.

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