
Saturday 8 October 2016

Presentation by Judith Malagón & Patrícia Tió


Patrícia: Hello!!

Judith: Hi, What's your name?

Patrícia: My name is Patrícia. And what's your name?

Judith: My name's Judith. Nice to meet you.

Patrícia: Nice to meet you too. Where do you live?

Judith: I live in Borges Blanques. And you?

Patrícia: I live in Barcelona.

Judith: Ohhh!! It's beautiful city.

Patrícia: Yes, it's very beautiful. How old are you?

Judith: I'm fourteen years old.

Patrícia: Oh, me too!!

Judith: What do you do?

Patrícia: I'm student. And you?

Judith: I'm student too and a young cook.

Patrícia: Oh really? Do you like cooking?

Judith: Yes, I do. I love cooking and skating.

Patrícia: Woow !! We are very similar, I also like skating.

Judith: Yes, it's true.

Patrícia: You live in a house or in an apartment?

Judith: I live in a house.

Patrícia: Really? And is it a nice house?

Judith: Yes, it is. And you, Do you live in a house or in a flat?

Patrícia: I live in a house too.

Judith: How many rooms has it got?

Patrícia: It has three bedrooms.

Judith: And do you have a garden?

Patrícia: Yes, I do. It's very beautiful!!

Judith: How many brothers or sisters have you got?

Patrícia: I have one sister, and you?

Judith: I have one brother and I have a twin sister.

Patricia: Oh it's cool, you have a twin !! I watched a film about twins!!! Do you like 


Judith: Yes, I do. I like horror films.

Patricia: Oh, I hate horror films!!

Judith: One day we can watch any of them. 

Patrícia: Yes, of course. But any other than terror.

Judith: Ok, see you soon.

Patrícia: Yes, good bye.

Judith: Bye.

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